Providing for the future together
We manage your additional retirement provision together: with JTI Pension Plus. JTI lays the foundation with employer-financed contributions. And we offer an attractive system for making your own contributions: simple, secure, tax-efficient – and with a JTI plus. Because JTI adds something on top of your own contributions. And there’s another plus: additional risk coverage.
Our calculator shows you exactly how this affects your pension and your current income. Is your curiosity piqued?
What we do:
What you can do:
You get this on top:
At a glance
You receive regular retirement contributions from us – in addition to your salary. This is the basic contribution. The amount depends on your salary.
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At a glance
You can make your own voluntary contributions to the pension plan. This is the employee contribution. The earlier you start, the more you benefit from the plan’s performance. You also save on taxes today. That's because contributions flow directly from your gross pay. JTI then invests an additional amount, the matching contribution.
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At a glance
We support your voluntary contribution and add half of it on top, up to € 1.687 per year for tariff employees, and even more for non-tariff employees. This is the matching contribution.
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Safe in all situations
Risk coverage:
In the event of disability or death, your capital account balance is paid out to you or your surviving dependents. As a plus, the risk benefit is added until age 60.
Change of employer:
Even if you leave us early: Your JTI Pension Plus accounts will remain with you if you have worked for us for at least 3 years. Your own contributions pay off twice. Because what you pay in yourself remains with you immediately.
Your company pension is safe, even in the unlikely event of JTI's insolvency. Your contributions are protected from the reach of creditors, and an independent institution handles the administration and payment of your retirement benefits.